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International Court of Justice in Hague to announce its verdict in Romania vs Ukraine trial

The International Court of Justice in Hague will announce today its verdict in the Romania vs Ukraine trial, over the territorial delimitation of the continental plateau between the two countries. The lawsuit begun in September 2004 when Romania urged the Court to decide on the matter, Rador informs.

For three weeks, in September 2008, the two parties presented their views on the matter. Romania suggested that the delimitation should be made in the usual matter used by the Court in other previous cases but Ukraine refused.

Today’s decision will settle for good the dispute between the two countries. Romania’s lawyer, Bogdan Aurescu declared that the decision will be correct and equitable and will comply to the international laws.

Ukraine declared that it will respect any decision taken by the Court at Hague but Kiev hopes that the decision will put an end to this dispute and open up investments from both parties to exploit the natural resources of the area.

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