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Israel's call for help to Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and France to extinguish the fire broke nearby Haifa / Romanian authorities might send help

Israeli Foreign Affairs minister called for help to Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and France to sent specialized planes to attend the operations to extinguish the fire that broke nearby Haifa, Haaretz announces.

The firefighters announced that they lost control of the fire. Israel urged the US to help them with planes from the military bases in the region. Romanian Interior minister declared that they will offer Israel a hellicopter, to help them with the fire.

However, due to weather conditions in Romania, the plan cannot leave on Friday and Saturday so that it will leave for Israel on Sunday if Israeli authorities still need the help.

Over 40 people of which 36 prison guards died in the most serious fire in Israel, that broke on Thursday nearby Haifa.

At least 17 planes are expected to join in: 2 from Turkey, 2 from France, 4 from Greece, 2 from Azerbaijan, 2 from Russia, 1 from Croatia, 3 from Cyprus and 1 from Romania.

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