Mugur Isarescu: discouraging labor for electoral gains will lead Romania towards hell
Discouraging labor to obtain electoral capital will lead Romania to hell, since there are more retired voters than working voters in Romania, Romania’s National Central Bank governor Mugur Isarescu declared on Thursday. He added that populism is the dominant note in the political discourse of the moment and there is a tendency to make promises more than the economy can sustain.
Here are his most important declarations
- The populism trap is behind the door and is nearly a dominant in the political discourse of the moment
- talks regarding the budgtary deficit are not real: some believe that money fall from the sky. The problem is lightly treated
- talks about public debt are not realistic, these come from our decisions alone
- we are still in a recession: we should not confuse the crisis with the recession. A series of anti-crisis measures can push us into crisis
- some equalize wishes with the actual ability to make wishes come true – this lead us previously to bad decisions and political actions
- elections are approaching and there is a temptation to promise more than the economy can sustain
- discouraging labor for electoral capital leads Romania towards hell.
- politicians need to find a balance between what can be done and what is wished to be done
- we need to learn from the past, from the previous mistakes.