Nezavisimia gazeta: Viktor Ianukovici warned Romania that the days of a sky Ukraine have pased
Brussels, Kiev and Moscow focused this week on Transniester. EU, Ukraine and Russia considered that the process to regulate conflict on the Niester was a necessary step to ensure European security which, in this region depends more and more of Romania, Nezavisimaia gazeta reads. The newspaper notes that previously, the three parties warned Bucharest authorities related to the exaggerate attention given to the region. Vikor Ianukovici warned Romania that the days of a shy Ukraine have passed.
Earlier in the week, EU Foreign Affairs representative Catherine Ashton declared in a press conference that the EU needs to intensify its efforts to progress in regulating the Transniester matter. She promised to personally contribute to find solutions for this problem that lags for too much time.
On Tuesday, the situation was debated at Moscow, by its Foreign Affairs minister Grigori Karasin and by OSCE chief of mission to Moscow, Philipp Remler. In the same day at Kiev, Ukrainian President Victor Ianukovici raised this issue to Ukraine’s main priorities.
The chief of state urged the Foreign Affairs ministry to schetch a set of proposals to strengthen Ukraine’s position in the Transniester matter. Moreover, he demanded the ministry to draft some projects for presidetial decrees regarding the concept of Ukraine’s relations with Romania, a set of measures to resolve problematic aspects in the bilateral relations and counter dangerous that loom over national security.
The newspaper reads that the main actors from Romania declared their plans to unify with the second Romanian state – Moldova and said that Bucharest wil not sign a border agreement as the Ribbentrop Molotov treaty lays the borders since 1940.