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Protests downtown Bucharest on October 27, the day the motion against the government is voted / Unions announce 80,000 people on the streets

Union confederations announced a common protest in Bucharest, on October 27, the day when the motion of censure against the government will be voted in the Parliament. Vice deputy of the national union block Ion Pisc declared that over 80,000 people will be on the streets to protest.

Here are Pisc’s main declarations:

  • we urged the government to find solutions for the requests of the unions but we did not get an answer 
  • Therefore, five unions will organize a common protest with over 80,000 people on the streets on October 2 
  • I appeal all those dissatisfied to join us 
  • The government needs to step down and let other competent persons govern 
  • our only problem at the moment is that the city hall did not approve our proposal for the locations of the protest
  • either way, the protest will take place and we will move towards the Parliament
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