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Roland Barthes’ Journal of Mourning will be launched in Paris and Bucharest in unison

Cartier publishing house launches Journal of Mourning, by Roland Barthes on Thursday, May 28. The launching taking place in Bucharest at Libraria din Fundul Curtii (The Backyard Bookshop) will be mirrored by a simultaneous launch in Paris.

Essentially written in Paris and Urt, between October 26, 1977 and September 15, 1979, “Journal Of Mourning” contains 330 sheets, ordered chronologically. The title belongs to Roland Barthes. The triteness of a life experiences, namely the most terrible to imagine – losing one’s mother – spins under Roland Barthe’s quill into a major literary event. “Journal of Mourning” was first published in February 2009 by Seuil publishing house. Barthes is one of the writers whose posthumous books stern lively debates, just like Lacan’s, Althusser’s, and Foucault’s. “Journal of Mourning” is not a rough copy of “Camera Lucida”, but an archive of a book that never came to exist (the project-novel Vita nova, never written, but which will lead to his Collège de France course “La Préparation du roman” (Preparing the novel) (Em. Galaicu-Paun).

The book will be introduced to the public in Bucharest by interpreter Em.Galaicu-Paun, Simona Branzaru, Bogdan Ghiu, Carmen Musat and Simona Sora.

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