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Romania far right leader delegated to solve issue of Romanian immigrants in Italy

The two chambers of the Romanian Parliament decided on Tuesday that a delegation of senators and deputies leave for Italy in an attempt to talk with their Italian counterparts on problems related to the large Romanian community in the country, which has been facing tense relations with locals since the murder of an Italian woman by a Romanian citizen.

In charge of the delegation, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, the leader of the far-right Greater Romania Party (PRM) will send an open letter to the Italian embassy in an attempt to establish a link with their Italian counterparts.

As soon as the nomination was confirmed C.V. Tudor stated today that he totally agreed with the points of view of the Italians.

Tudor is well known in Romania for his rough stance on ethnic minorities including the Rroma, to which the suspected killer of an Italian woman who died last week belongs.

Also on Tuesday, Vadim announced his PRM party would leave the group of radicals and extremists in the European Parliament, formed early this year as Romania joined the European Union.

The decision was blamed on statements made by Alessandra Mussolini, who told Romanian newspaper Cotidianul recently that Romanians „entered Italy, not Europe” when they joined the EU and have exceeded other ethnic groups in cruelty.

Vadim said that Italians were right in their outrage and that the migrant who killed the Italian woman hindered Romania’s image abroad greatly.

Vadim insisted that the killer belonged to the Rroma community and he should not to be considered a Romanian.

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