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Romania holds first European Parliament elections, referendum on Sunday

Some 18 million Romanians are invited to cast their vote on Sunday in the first European Parliament elections taking place in the country after Romania joined the EU in January 1. The EP poll takes place simultaneously with a referendum called by President Traian Basescu on the introduction of a radical uninominal voting system in Romania.

The latest opinion polls show the main political backers of President Basescu, the Democrats (PD), in lead in the EP elections expecting to win some 35 percent of the votes, more than double compared to the governing Liberals (PNL), whom their were allied with until a major political break this spring.

But question marks remained this weekend whether Basescu would be able to draw enough people to vote in the referendum, which he says is key for a major reform of the political class in Romania. The stake in the referendum is Basescu’s own version of an uninominal voting system that is seen as considerably more radical than another version, for which the government has already assumed responsibility.

The European Parliament vote is seen as a major test for most political parties prior to the general elections planned for 2008.

As far as the referendum goes, if the 50 percent attendance needed for the referendum to be validated is reached or not, the President is expected to have a say on the government-supported uninominal voting bill or for other versions of such legislation.

Voting also takes place in major Romanian communities abroad, especially in Spain and Italy. But correspondents there say there will not be enough ballots – only several tens of thousands – for the communities there, which number hundreds of thousands of people.

The Sunday polls are the second and third this year as Romania already went through another referendum in May, when people were invited by the Parliament to decide whether to remove President Basescu from office or not.

That referendum was seen as the peak of an unprecedented political battle in Romania, which saw the governing Liberals, their former Democratic allies and the opposition Social Democrats pitched one against another.

The political battle intensified after Romania joined the EU this year, while still being urged by Brussels to pursue the reforms and fight against corruption that had been started in 2004-2006. EU officials have since hinted that the now Liberal-dominated government has slowed down the pace of reform.

tirolez • 2020-04-26 14:24:03
Felicitari, poate citeste si Orban.
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imi_pasa_de_romania • 2020-04-27 01:15:19
Asa ar trebui si la noi... au fost riscuri si pe vremuri si cu greve ale profesorilor si cu multe. Mai bine pierzi un an decat sa iasa ceva mai grav. Nimic nu se compara cu sanatatea. Restul se repara, daca nu mai merge, cumperi ceva nou... dar la sanatate nu ai ce sa mai dregi. Copilasii trebuie protejati. Daca tot vor redeschide diverse in Romania, creste riscul imbolnavirii parintilor. De ce sa vina un risc si de la copii? Dar ma indoiesc ca Orban gandeste asa departe.
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Luk • 2020-04-26 15:22:06
pe ce se bazeaza cand spune "este in joc sanatatea copiilor nostri"? Multumesc.
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_Un stelist_ • 2020-04-26 16:39:27
Că pe sfaturile specialiștilor! Bine că nu ți’a cerut ție sfatul, i’ai fi spus că absolut totul este normal, nu există nicio pandemie cauzată de un virus nou, letal, despre care nu știm decât că e foarte contagios, nu’i așa specialistule?
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gamma • 2020-04-26 16:53:02
Batranii si afacerile sufera cel mai mult .Dar are dreptate sa faca asa . Acum ca intram in scenariul englez (va aduceti aminte de cele 250000 morti estimate care l-au facut pe Boris sa-si schimbe opinia cu imunizarea de turma ? ) orice este non esential si poate fi amanat ar trebui amanat . Am eu asa o impresie ca strutocamila asta de raspuns in fata covidului pe care a montat-o vestul nu o sa-l pacaleasca pe dl SARS-CoV-2 .
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gamma • 2020-04-26 16:59:15
Acum intelege lumea de ce a fost atata agitatie prin 2003 cu gripa aviara chit ca mureau doar pasari ?
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