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Romania knew about France’s diplomatic endeavors – sources

Romania knew about the diplomatic endeavors of France and of its intention to boycott Romania’s adhesion to Schengen and attempted to warn its European partners through the statements made by President Basescu at the European Council, diplomatic sources declared on Friday for the Romanian news agency Mediafax.

Romania knew all along about France’s plans and tried to warn its European partners about it through Basescu’s speech at the European Council, quoted sources declared. According to sources, Romania fulfilled all requirements and this is why it will not rest until it finds out the real reason behind the delay to join Schengen, sources declared.

According to sources, Romania is a correct partner and principles are extremely important for the well functioning of the Union and they must not be abandoned with the risk to create dangerous precedents for any EU member state. President Traian Basescu declared on December 17, at Brussels at the end of the Winter session of the European Council that Romania does not accept supplementary requirements regarding Schengen and that it does not want to be a collateral victim for everything that does not work in the EU.

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