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Romania President calls for resignation of Justice, Labor ministers

Romanian President Traian Basescu has urged PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to dismiss both Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu and Labor minister Paul Pacuraru in an official request on November 29. According to governmental sources quoted by Romanian news agency NewsIn, the request was read at the government headquarters only as a sign the president would approve criminal inquiries against the two.

The head of state would be allowed to approve such inquiries once the Official Gazette publishes a recent decision of the Constitutional Court, which says any presidential commission discussing such issues would be unconstitutional. The decision was sent to the Official Gazette on Tuesday but is yet to be published.

PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, whose government has long been at loggerheads with President Basescu, said the head of state has the constitutional means to make a proper decision in such cases.

The same sources quoted by NewsIn say that Basescu added in his address to the prime minister that the government was highly compromised not just nationally but also internationally given the bad image and deeds of its two ministers.

Moreover, Basescu requests that the Prime Minister should take full responsibility for the situation created and dismiss the two ministers, who are now under investigation for corruption.

The same sources say Tariceanu answered back on December 4 and suggested he would not comply with the presidential request.

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