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Romanian journalist Cristian Botez in Cairo: Children and teenagers are in the middle of the fight / Hotel doors are blocked by furniture / All militaries withdrew in tanks
Cristian Botez, Foto: Arhiva personala
Cristian Botez, Foto: Arhiva personala

​Freelance Romanian journalist Cristian Botez, currently in Cairo talked for about the current situation in Tahrir Square up to mid Wednesday. „Up to 1 PM, the situation degenerated and the two camps clashed violently, teenagers and children are caught in the middle of the fight”, the Romanian journalist said.

His most important statements

  • Until 1 PM the two opposing camps confronted verbally but the situation got worse every minute  
  • The madness started after 1 PM  
  • This is a terrible war. In half an hour, most wounded appeared because the two camps attack in successive waves 
  • Teenagers and children are caught in the middle of the fight 
  • The military withdrew within the tanks Journalists went to their hotels A French journalist was seriously injured at his leg
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