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Romanian Saving House co-finances SAPARD programme

The Romanian Saving House (CEC) has used all funds for co-financing the SAPARD projects under the umbrella of the Farmer’s programme 2006, but also 13% of the funds with no co-financing included. CEC provides funds for 87 projects in 22 Romanian counties, amounting to 5.9 million Euros.

The funds granted by the Farmer programme imply a 5% interest and individuals or associated farmers are eligible.

CEC announced on Thursday that more funds are to be granted for co-financing the SAPARD programme but also other rural projects not included in the Farmer’s programme, for which the bank will provide own resources.

The Farmer’s programme, complementary to SAPARD, has been intended to enhance the competitiveness of the Romanian agriculture, by increasing the volume of investments in agriculture. The entire amount of money destined for this programme has been contracted for projects submitted to banks.

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