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Schengen: Romania and Bulgaria are ready to implement the acquis

Romania and Bulgaria proved that they are as ready as they can be to implement all Schengen acquis in a satisfying manner, the report set up by MEP Carlos Coelho on Schengen extension reads. The report will be presented on Tuesday morning in the EP Commission for Civil Liberties (LIBE), Romanian news agency Agerpres reads. The report will have to be adopted in the committee by May following a vote in the EP in June before the Justice and Interior Affairs Council meets in the same month. The EP has a consultative opinion on the matter.

The document, written by MEP Coelho reads that considering the evaluations and re-evaluation visits of experts, even though there are some matters that will require close monitoring and attention, they are by no means an obstacle for the two countries to join Schengen.

The conclusions of European experts of Sch-EVAL, the working group on Schengen, have already been approved by the Council and sent to the EP with the exception of the report on the last re-evaluation visit regarding Bulgaria’s foreign borders that still needs to be approved by the Council and sent to the EP.

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