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Special Commission for Rosia Montana project at Environment Ministry

Environment minister Laszlo Borbely decided the constitution of a special commission in the institution to handle the Rosia Montana issue. Laszlo Borbely met on Wednesday morning with Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC), the company that aims to start the gold mine project in the Romanian Apuseni Mountains.

„Laszlo Borbely, minister of Environment and Forests, met Rosia Montana Gold Corporation representatives this morning, who have arrived to express their opinion on the current state of the project. Environment and Forests minister noted that there was a final and irrevocable decision ruled by the Court of Appeal regarding the invalidity of the RMGC Urbanism Certificate. He informed that decided to set up a separate commission within the Environment and Forests Ministry for the Rosia Montana project”, the institution underlines in a communiqué.

The document also shows that the minister engaged to have a series of discussions with NGOs opposing the RMGC project and to visit Rosia Monana by the end of March.

For the moment, the authorisation procedures are frozen at the Environment Ministry, after several documents have been attacked in court by NGOs. Canadian company Gabriel resources claims that the Romanian state will win 4 billion dollars from the project.

But the alleged profit is to come over a period of 16 years and there are no guarantees beside the company’s statements. The only contract between the Canadian company and the Romanian state is classified.