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Traffic restricted in Bucharest Tuesday and Wednesday due to a protest / Over 2,000 students announced their presence at the protest

Protests organized on Wednesday, downtown Bucharest by several union organizations will block traffic in the capital, a press release of the police informs. Protesters announced a protest in Victoriei square from 10AM to 11 AM followed by a march towards the Constitutions square between 11AM and 2PM and a protest in the Constitution square between 2PM and 10PM. Over 2,000 students announced that they will join the protest.

Recommendations for drivers are to avoid downtown Bucharest and surroundings, to avoid using their personal cars during the day to avoid traffic jams, maintain calm in traffic and respect the indications of the police officers.

Over 2,000 students across the country are expected to attend the protest organized by union confederations on Wednesday when the motion of censure against the government will be voted, student unions announced, quoted by Romanian news agency Mediafax.

Students protest against the law on education and urge the government not to pass it in its current state.

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