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Traian Basescu: we fulfilled our obligations for Schengen

​Romania fulfilled and continues to fulfill its obligations assumed for joining Schengen and there is no clue that, once it joined, it would general risks regarding illegal immigration, Romanian President Traian Basescu declared on Thursday in a meeting with accredited Ambassadors to Bucharest.

For Romania, joining Schengen remains a major objective he said and would be in accordance to the obligations assumed by Romania and the EU in the adhesion treaty. He said that in a union of democratic states, like the EU, rules established unanimously through its representatives need to be respected. We only request one thing: that joining Schengen should be based on the rules of the Union settled in the EU Treaty, Basescu said.

Here are his most important statements:

Republic of Moldova

  • We will continue our solidarity policy regarding the Republic of Moldova in 2011 We will insist to include Moldova in the group of Balkan countries to join EU  
  • The position of the country’s government and its small dimensions are arguments that stand for such a decision  
  • Moldova has its place in the EU 
  • Finding solutions for the Transniester conflict is a priority for Romania We are for the resume, without conditions, of official negotiations in the accepted 5+2 format. 

Roma minority

  • The principle of freedom of movement cannot be restricted on ethnic grounds Roma have the same obligations and rights as all European citizens  
  • Considering the special situation created, it is necessary that this group benefit from a European approach to facilitate exchange 


  • We will target our efforts on economic investments and commercial exchanges Political relations need to be based on respect and the interest of both countries 


  • We celebrate 100 years since Romanian famous writer Emil Cioran was born He is an important representative of the diaspora and in 2011 we will focus on the Romanian diaspora  
  • We will try to introduce voting rights through mail for those who live abroad
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