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Transcripts in the sexgate scandal in Italy: Two Romanians attended Berlusconi’s parties

In early January prosecutors in Milan launched a penal investigation targeting Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, suspected of traffic of influence and sexual relations with an underage girl, of Moroccan origin, Ruby El Mahroug.

During the investigation, newspapers released a series of details found by magistrates and some telephone transcripts in which the name of Romanian Ioana Visan re-appears. Investigators want to find out more details related to some renting contracts of some apartments on Olgettina Street in which Berlusconi’s protégés live, including Romanian Ioana Visan.

Ioana Visan together with another Romanian Ioana Claudia Amarghioale attended the party organized by the Italian PM on August 25, 2010. According to Corriere della Sera, there were only four girls invited to that party. According to documents ground by magistrates and partially published by Diretta News, one of the girls who visited Berlusconi constantly was Ioana Visan.

Back in September 2009, Ioana Visan was one of the main faces in the sexgate scandal targeting Berlusconi.

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