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Union members to block Parliament gates when PM arrives to take responsibility for austerity measures

Union confederations are restarting their protests in Bucharest, Romania, starting with 1 pm (local time). CNS Cartel Alfa and CSDR members will go to the Parliament, where the Executive will take responsibility for several austerity measures this afternoon. Union members ask the Government to give up the cut in salaries and pensions, news TV channels broadcast.

Protesters intend to block the five gates to the Legislature’s building when PM Emil Boc is going to arrive at the Parliament fro the Government’s taking responsibility for the law projects regarding the 25% cut in public sector salaries and 15% reduction in pensions.

Rallies at the Parliament will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday, with 1.500 – 2,000 people taking part daily.

Starting from Thursday and lasting until Saturday, the protests will move across the country, where there will be rallied at the parties’ local headquarters and parliament’s branches.

Union confederations are preparing a protest involving 20,000 people, at the Parliament, on June 15, when the censorship motion against the Government submitted by the Opposition is to be voted. Union members plan to then form a human chain around the Parliament Palace. On the same day, public sector employees from all departments will call a general strike.

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