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UPDATE An Islamic website released the identity and photo of the person who committed the terrorist attack in Sweden

The two explosions on Saturday, downtown Stockholm, who killed a person and injured another two were classified by the Swedish Foreign Affairs minister as terrorist attacks, with catastrophic consequences AFP informs.

Explosions took place in a busy commercial area several minutes after a local agency received a message denouncing the Swedish military presence in Afghanistan and threatening with terrorist attacks.

According to SVT news television, the body discovered at the scene of the second explosion is the author of the attack. The Swedish news agency TT informed on Saturday night that it received an email in Arabic and Swedish, ten minutes before the attack, announcing future actions against the Swedish.

UPDATE 1 Swedish foreign intelligence launched an investigation regarding terrorism attacks, Anders Thorhnberg announced, Saepo chief.

UPDATE 2 Hassan Mussa, the leader of the biggest mosque in Stockholm denounced the attacks and any use of violence or threats targeting innocent people, irrespective of the reason or pretext.

UPDATE 3 Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt warned on Sunday that the explositions might not be connected. He underlined the democratic values of the Swedish society, which proved countless times that it can accept people with different convictions.

UPDATE 4 An Islamic website identified the author of the attacks: Taymour Abdel Wahab. The site published a photo.

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