UPDATE Constitutional Court claims the following Constitutional modifications are unconstitutional: the elimination of Parliamentary immunity and the elimination of the presumption that wealth is illicitly obtained
Constitutional Court judges ruled that there are unconstitutional elements in the project revising the Constitution put forward by the President, officials of the Court said quoted by news agency Agerpres. One of these is related to the current Constitutional ruling according to which the illicit character of the wealth is presumed.
The limitation of Parliamentary immunity was also considered unconstitutional. Moreover, the judges considered that fundamental laws are breached regarding the Superior Council of Magistracy where the project modifying the Constitution reads that several civil society representatives should be elected in the Council and that the President of the Council can also be a representative of the civil society.
UPDATE Sources close to presidency claim that the President will discard the rulings that the Court found unconstitutional in the project revising the constitution even though the Court’s decision is consultative.