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UPDATE The Liberals voted for an alliance with the Conservatives / PSD leader Ponta announced the party’s intentions to form a long term alliance with the Liberals

The Liberal Party voted on Wednesday for an alliance with the Conservative Party. According to sources, the alliance will be called the Center Right Alliance – PNL – PC and will be sealed in court in the following days. Opposition party leaders meet on Wednesday at the Parliament at 2PM to discuss about a possible political alliance, news televisions inform. The meeting follows the statements of Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu declared in an interview that he seeks a political alliance with the Social Democrats and the Liberals on the long term, for 5-10 years to cover more electoral cycles. Voiculescu advanced as a deadline for the alliance January 31, 2011.

The PNL – PC alliance sees that the two parties should have common parliamentary groups and to sustain each other for the 2012 local elections. Regarding Parliamentary elections, sources declared that Conservative leaders will be included on the lists of the Liberal party. At his turn, PSD leader Victor Ponta declared on Wednesday that he was mandated by Social Democratic colleagues to advance the idea of a united opposition, for 7-8 years so that the population should have an alternative.

Liberals and Conservatives will represent the center right and the Social Democrats will represent the center left, Ponta said. Talks with the Liberals target any necessary form of collaboration including a judicial alliance in which the Liberals and the Conservatives will represent the center right ideology, Ponta said.

Liberal Party president Crin Antonescu declared on Wednesay that he will put forward a proposal to paryt leaders for an alliance with the Conservatives, Romanian news agency Agerpres informs. Antonescu said that the alliance seeks a good governance over the country.

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