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Vantu's lawyers obtained a fifth postponement of the trial, on grounds that the businessman is not feeling well / In the past, Vantu had a heart consultation from a gynaecologist

Judges postponed for the fifth time the trial in which businessman and media mogul Sorin Ovidiu Vant was indicted for helping Romanian fugitive Nicolae Popa escape a 15 year sentence in Romania. The next trial term was set for January 7th, as lawyers sustained that the businessman does not feel well.

Friday, Vantu asked judges to lift his restriction to leave the country, motivating that he needs to go to Vienna to see the doctors that operated him.

Vantu’s lawyer, Marian Nazat submitted a document which reads that in the past, the businessman received a consultation for his heart problems from a gynaecologist. The documents presented are medical papers from a hospital in Vienna, where he was operated.

The judge said that they will not lift the interdiction considering that they need to clarify the story with the gynaecologist. Vantu explained to the judge that the gynecologist wrote the conclusions related to his affection based on the observations supplied by the medical team that operated him. He added that the gynecologist, Husein, is the one managing the hospital.

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