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What the newspapers say: July 6, 2010​

​The Romanian press reads about the 11 dead and three injured in a flight tragedy from Tuzla. Elsewhere in the news, a large part of the city of Galati (Romanian Eastern port) is restless under the danger of flooding Danube. Further in the news, ING Bank capital market manager Florin Ilie believes the „IMF agreement allowed the [Romanian] Government to sleep for one year”. Last but not least, Romanian film Francesca gets the Silver Angel and the best director award at the International Film Festival Tofifest from Poland.

Gandul focuses on the 11 dead and three injured in a flight tragedy from Tuzla (South-East Romania). The accident occurred at take off. 10 parachutists and three members of the crew were on board. Romanian Defence Ministry confirmed Commander Nicolae Jianu, the Aurel Vlaicu Air Forces Application School commander, was on board of the AN-2 plane that crushed on the Tuzla airport. Three injured were transported with a helicopter to Bucharest. Two of them suffered multiple traumas. The third also suffered burns. Doctors confirmed the latter was kept alive with the help of breathing machine, while the other two are conscious and stable.

Romania Libera informs that quite a large part of the city of Galati (Romanian Eastern port) is restless under the danger of flooding Danube. Residents around the port are building dams themselves, afraid that the dams raised by authorities will not be enough. The immense effort made at present could have been avoided if the project designed four years ago to stop Danube from flooding the city had been carried out. It’s been two days now since hundreds of gendarmes, firemen and soldiers have been working without a break, hand in hand with the locals. This was described as the worst local disaster since World War II. Behind the 4.5 kilometres dam, the people’s desperation cannot be measured.

Adevarul quotes ING Bank capital market manager Florin Ilie saying that the „IMF agreement allowed the [Romanian] Government to sleep for one year”. Because of the austerity measures, it is very unlikely to talk about an economic recovery earlier than the second half of 2011, he says. As alternatives to the current austerity measures, he recommended a cut in public acquisition on the non-investments sector, reforms for the social benefits and for the pension system, in order to eliminate special pensions and early retirement. The only measure on which seems to see eye to eye with the Government’s plans is the cut in the number employees working in the public sector. But he says the salaries of the remaining should be left untouched to motivate them.

Evenimentul Zileiinforms that the Romanian film „Francesca” got the Silver Angel and the award for the best director (Bobby Paunescu) at the International Film Festival Tofifest from Poland. The award was handed over to Paunescu by Agnieszka Odorowicz, the Polish Film Institute manager. „Francesca” competed in the „ON AIR” section, against seven other movies: „10 to 11”, by Pelin Esmer, „Altiplano”, by Peter Brosens and Jessica Hope Woodworth, „Eyes Wide Open”, by Haim Tabakman, „First of all Felicia”, by Răzvan Rădulescu (Romanian) and Melissa de Raaf, „Street Days”, by Levan Koguashvili, „To the Sea”, by Pedro González-Rubio, and „Women without Men”, by Shirin Neshat. The money received by the Romanian film crew will be donated to alleviate the pain of those who lost their homes in the floods from Moldova.

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