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The Romanian advertising market will drop by 35-38% in 2009 against 2008 – Initiative Media

Initiative Media launched Media Fact Book 2009 on Monday. It appreciates that by the end of the year, the Romanian advertising market will suffer a 35-38% drop against 2008. Therefore, in 2009, the net total spending in advertising will amount to 347 million euros, against 540 million euros in 2008, according to Initiative estimates. The TV broadcast still holds the biggest piece, with 225 million euros forecasted for 2009, against 337 – the money received last year. The Internet advertising and in film theatres is estimated around 13 million euros.

The agency evaluated the internet and cinema advertising market in 2008 to be around 16 million euros, and it predicts it will fall to 13 million euros in 2009 (IAAB and PWC evaluated the market in 2008 to be around 20 millions). According to Initiative representatives, their evaluation takes into account the spending addressing strictly the media.

The print media will record a 50% drop in 2009 against the last year, from 82 million euros to 40. The radio will see its advertising incomes drop from 35 million euros to 25, Initiative Media appreciates. The outdoor advertising will attract 44 million euros this year, despite the fact that last year it got 70 millions, the quoted agency informs.

Top 5 advertising categories (TV, printed press, radio) according to card rates budgets – 2008

1. Mobile phone services (2007 – Beauty products)

2. Beauty products (2007 – Hair care products)

3. Banking and insurance services (the same rank as in 2007)

4. Cars and 4x4s (2007 – Beer)

5. Medical products and services (2007 – Mobile phone services)

Top 10 2008 advertising clients (TV, printed press, radio), according to card rates budgets

1. Procter&Gamble

2. European Drinks&Foods

3. L’Oreal Romania

4. Unilever

5. Kraft Foods Romania

6. Vodafone

7. Reckitt Benckiser

8. Cosmote

9. Henkel

10. Orange
