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Romanian leader offers alternatives to current energy supplies

„It’s time to pass from theoretical analyses to deeds” said Romanian President Traian Basescu on Friday in the opening of the international forum „The development of infrastructure in the Black Sea area in a Euro-Atlantic context” organized in Bucharest.

On this occasion Traian Basescu invited all European countries interested in creating another alternative to current energy resources to get involved in the Romanian-Qatari project of developing a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminal in Constanta, a major Black Sea port.

As another alternative to the energy supplies from Russia, Basescu mentioned the Nabuco project, collaboration among five countries – Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary and Austria – aimed at bringing gas from Caspian Sea region to Eastern and Central Europe.

He also reminded about Constanta- Trieste oil duct, passing through Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia, ending in Italy, where it will connect with the Trans Alpine Pipeline – TAP, which supplies oil to Austria and Germany. The pipeline is to supply with oil refineries in Southeastern Europe, Italy, Austria and Bavaria.

„Europe is a big energy consumer from the Black sea region but it is also a provider of stability in the area,” elaborated Basescu while tackling the security issue in the „frozen conflicts area” referring to possible conflict outbursting in Transnistria, Chechnia, Ossetia.

The Romanian leader assured the International community that Romania is a stable, reliable and active partner in the area for both the European Union and NATO, but also a good friend for the Eastern neighbor countries.

Basescu made an appeal to the states’ leaders in the region to come to the discussions table and talk about economic development, a key for peaceful cohabitation.

He also announced that Romania is to host this summer a new Black Sea economic forum for dialog and partnership aimed at declaring the Black sea area as a new Euroregion.