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What the newspapers say: March 8, 2006

The Romanian media today is outraged with the result of a vote in the House of Deputies to reject a request to search the properties of House speaker Adrian Nastase. Another source of outrage is, in one case, a US-Romanian deal allowing US troops to use military bases here.

And newspapers report of Romanian magistrates’ persisting anger with President Basescu, while others feel unconfortable with the how EU money has been used across the country.

When deputies voted 163-131 against a prosecutors’ request to search the properties of House speaker Adrian Nastase in a graft case related to his years as prime minister, it meant many MPs belonging to governing parties said „No” to the move.

Beside the Adrian Nastase’s Social Democrats and the other opposition group, Greater Romania Party, the „No” camp included MPs from the Conservative Party and the Hungarian Democrats, members of the governing alliance, according to Romania libera.

Cotidianul also believes the Romanian Parliament lost its last drop of credibility with yesterdays’ vote.

And Evenimentul Zilei notes that the National Anti-Corruption Department, which complained about the House rejection of its request to search Nastase’s house, learned the news while receiving a European Comission delegation at its headquarters.

Both Evenimentul Zilei and Gandul quote prosecutors who said the lack of a House approval prevents them from producing a thorough investigation on graft allegations against Nastase.

Evenimentul Zilei also reveals that a village in the Southern Carpatians, where the ex-PM owns a huge farm, received EU money thanks to the signature of the wife of Nastase’s farm manager.

The payments of a SAPARD programme that provided modern utilities and water infrastructure to the Cornu village were supervized and approved by a former head of a local SAPARD office, who is married to Nastase’s farm manager Valentin Comsa.

Meanwhile, Gandul points out that while the Justice system was defeated in Parliament thanks to yesterday’s vote in the House, magistrates raise again against President Traian Basescu.

Some 900 judges followed a similar move of 364 of fellow magistrates earlier this week and requested the Supreme Council of Magistrates to intervene at the Constitutional Court against Basescu’s statements recently that Romanian judges are corrupt. A statement they say exceeds the presidential duties and interfere with the independence of the Justice system.

The same Gandul newspaper opens its front page today with allegations that the United States can use their mobile bases in Romania to attack any country across the world without even informing the authorities in Bucharest about it.

Representatives of the Romanian Foreign and Defence Ministries admitted the fact in Senate yesterday, the paper writes.