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BSE: Spectacular decline for SIF shares


The Bucharest stock market was characterized by a general decline on Friday from the first hours. The SIF shares, except SIF4, were traded on discount which attracted buyers towards the end of the session.

The most significant drop of 2.7 per cent was recorded by SIF Moldova (SIF2) which closed down at 2.18 RON/share.

The indexes closed down with up to 2 per cent decline. The total value of transactions topped 67 bln lei. The general decline described the trends on the International market as well.

Banking: The most traded was BRD– GSG (BRD) with a 10.3 mln RON traded, corresponding to 580 thousand shares that closed down at 17.7 RON (-2.8%)

Oil: Only Petrom (SNP) represented the oil sector on Friday, closing down at 0.50 RON/share, – 1.7 %. Rompetrol Rafinareshares were suspended from transactions for the second time this week in expectation of the Appeals Court decision. Rompetrol Rafinare had returned to the floor on Thursday, but lost 7.4%.