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Romania trade deficit down to 7.03 bln euro

Romania’s trade imbalance deepened in the first seven months of 2006 as the National Statistics Institute-INS announced a trade deficit of 7.03 bln euro after the period on Friday.

Government trade official Iuliu Winkler admitted the industry performance, economic growth and restructuring investments generated a larger demand in imports but said they all supported an expansion of exports and better export structure.

According to the INS, FOB exports in the first seven months of the year totalled to 14.88 bln euro, up 18.8% compared to the same period last year, while CIF imports had a 25.1% growth to over 21.92 bln euro.

The value of exports to EU-25 countries during the period was up 16.7% compared to the same period last year, counting for 67.3% of all Romanian exports.

The value of imports was once again higher than that of exports. The value of imports from EU-25 countries during the first seven months of 2006 increased 24.1% compared to the same period in 2005.