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Romanians sceptical about the former collaborators revelation

Almost half of the Romanians believe that the revelation process of the collaborators of the former communist militia, aka Securitate, will not bring “more truth” to their lives, while 36% consider that the society will become cleaner and more honest. 15% had no opinion regarding the effects of the revelation process that began only now, 16 years after the fall of the communism.

The move, also labelled as the “filegate”, hints at the revelation wave of the individuals’ past through the personal files that are archived with the body that studies the history of the former Securitate, CNSAS.

33% of the Romanians showed interest in the revelation process while 14 seemed very much concerned to find out the truth about the communist past, while 47% showed little or none interest at all for this subject.

The revelation of Mona Musca’s informer past disappointed the public opinion as she had been considered a trustworthy and very credible Liberal politician, 64% of the interviews consider as very serious the fact that she had lied about her past, while 23% found it normal.

As far as the confidence in the CNSAS goes, 37% of the subjects said they trusted the institution, while the rest had little or no confidence at all. The survey was conducted on 1103 persons within August 24 – 30.