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Liberals and Conservatives apparently fail to agree on partnership

Representatives of the National Liberal Party-PNL and of the Conservative Party-PC held talks on the future collaboration of the two groups on Wednesday, but the meeting resulted in foggy statements that show they reached some agreements, but each understands whatever it wants from them.

The Liberals, run by PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, are a senior member of the governing coalition and have been at loggerheads with President Basescu throughout their term in office. The PC is a junior member of the coalition and the repeated target of presidential discontent

Following talks today, Tariceanu said that the PC agreed to support a project on the National Agency for Integrity as the government pushed it in Parliament. The Agency is a body aimed at keeping the wealth of public officials under supervision in order to prevent graft.

But PC leader Dan Voiculescu said he would not vote for the project in the government-supported version.

Meanwhile, Tariceanu said the meeting today did not tackle a possible procedure the PC has been pushing for, to suspend President Traian Basescu with a vote in Parliament. But Voiculescu said this was the exact purpose of the meeting.