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President stays Romania’s top political favorite

President Traian Basescu retains the highest level of trust among Romanian politicians in the eyes of the public, a latest poll published on Sunday shows. 54% of Romanians say they trust the President – down 1% from the preceding poll in this regard.

The study, produced by national pollster Insomar, shows Basescu is followed by Liberal Teodor Stolojan (40%) and Liberal deputy Mona Musca (33%) as the most trusted politicians. Musca’s appeal is down 13%, however, following a scandal in which she is accused of collaborating with the political police of the ex-Communist regime in Romania.

Both Stolojan and Musca are seen as close to Democratic President Basescu, despite their formation as members of the Liberal Party, led by PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu who is seen as Basescu’s top political rival.

Among the representatives of the current political leadership in Romania, Democratic Party leader Emil Boc strengthens Basescu’s camp as he is the fourth most trusted politician.

And PM Tariceanu comes fifth (25%), followed by Bucharest mayor – and Basescu’s crony – Adriean Videanu (19%), Conservative Party leader Dan Voiculescu (12%) and Hungarian Democrats leader Marko Bela (11%).

Voiculescu’s and Bela’s parties are junior members of the current governing coalition, along the Liberals and the Democrats.

On the opposition side, maverick businessman and populist politician Gigi Becali receives most public trust (38%, up 7% compared to the previous poll). He is followed by Social Democratic Party leader Mircea Geoana (33%).

The most trusted members of the Government are Foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu (31%), Justice minister Monica Macovei and Interior minister Vasile Blaga (28%) and Agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur (27%).

The Church and the Army remain the most trusted institutions in Romania, with a 45% and 31% level of trust respectively.