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Top local mogul ousted from office

Marian Oprisan, seen by many as a symbol of the mogul-based political “Mafia” allegedly formed by the former government of Social-Democratic Party-PSD leader Adrian Nastase, has been ousted as head of the Vrancea District Council after a majority of council members voted to dismiss him from office.

The decision was argued with the negative impact of Oprisan’s indictment over embezzlement charges on the image of the council.

Oprisan, who says he is not guilty and resisted dismissal before being forced out of office, is to be replace by a representative of the governing Liberal party, Eduard Lambrino, at the head of the main administrative body in the Eastern Romania district of Vrancea.

The event comes after several days of boycott by the council representatives of the two main governing parties, the Liberals and Democrats, who’ve been calling for Oprisan’s replacement. The group managed to force their views despite the resistance by PSD council members.

Oprisan was indicted earlier this year for embezzlement in a series of judicial moves against local moguls who reputedly controlledl ocal business politically and administratively in many Romanian counties in the period of 2000-2004.