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Controversial final statement at Francophone Summit

La Sommet de la Francophonie, the Bucharest-hosted reunion of leaders from French-speaking countries, concluded on Friday with a resolution focused on the Lebanese conflict. The issue sparked hot debates between participants during the day, forcing them to negotiate heavily behind closed doors for over the final version of the text.

The controversy was produced by an Egypt-proposed amendment that was countered by Canada PM Stephen Harper. But the initial version of the text was received with discontent by several other delegations as well. The late arrival of a Lebanese delegation to Bucharest made things even more difficult.

The Egyptian amendment supported a final version of the summit declaration that showed the Francophone countries regret the tragedy in Lebanon and the consequences on the Lebanese population. But Canada proved hostile towards the formula, as PM Harper said the summit participants could not recognize the victims of Lebanon without mentioning those of Israel.

At the final press-conference between departure, the summit leader could not announce a decision on the adoption of the resolution.

That forced talks last longer to establish a final form of the statement, which regrets the “tragedy in Lebanon and the dramatic consequences for the overall civilian population” and calls for “a complete end to hostilities and a return to calm in Lebanon”.