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What the newspapers say: September 11, 2007

Romanian newspapers on Tuesday read about the power of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the society as compared to the neighboring Orthodox countries. In politics, the main Opposition party postpones a the censure motion to bring down the government as debates within the party are contesting the leadership of Mircea Geoana.

And on more practical grounds, Bucharest is still under repairs even now, when fall season has come and children start school.

Romania libera reads about the power of the Romanian Orthodox Church and its interference in the political process of the society.

As the church enjoys the trust of 80% of the population, political leaders make use of the Church’s capital of influence during political campaigns.

The newspaper writes that the best at that is the Social Democratic party, currently in the Opposition.

However, the Orthodox Church in Romania is less influential than Churches in Serbia, Cyprus or even Russia. There, the Church is actively involved in the political process as it supports nationalist movements.

In politics today, Gandul reads that Mircea Geoana, leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) is contested by the former leader of the Party, Ion Iliescu. The latter does not agree with the general lines sketched by the current leader when announcing that the party will submit a censure motion against the current liberal government.

The newspaper reads that Ion Iliescu threatened to leave the party if the motion will continue.

Initially Mircea Geoana announced he would postpone the censure motion because of the Patriarch election on Wednesday, but Gandul reads that the leader was not able to gain enough parliamentary support for the move.

PSD sources quoted by the newspaper argue that even if there were speculations regarding a general national council, it is out of the question.

Vice-president of the party, Titus Corlatean says the decision is a political one and that the Party will go on with the motion censure it has been threatening with for more than one month now.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that the contradictions between the two leaders of the PSD are very serious and already leading to a split within the party lines.

Thus, the current vice presidents of the group align with the party leader, while important and influent names in the party stick to their uncontested leader, Ion Iliescu.

Mircea Geoana is determined to go through with the motion censure and announced that the date would be postponed by one week.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Cotidianul reads about road repairs in the city capital Bucharest. The article reads about the extensive rehabilitation works blocking streets in the city now that the children start school.

Even if the deadlines are passed, repairing works have yet a long way to go: there are still 50 blocked roads, raising issues for everybody including ambulances that not only have to deal with intense traffic, but also with fully blocked areas.

Bucharest mayor Adriean Videanu says that an inspection team will centralize the remaining repairs. Most of the roads await a judicial rule for household expropriations where authorities planned to make the road larger.