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Moldova plans to deny double citizenship for public officials and politicians

Legislators in the Republic of Moldova could adopt this week an unprecedented bill forbidding citizens with double citizenship to hold seats in the government, the parliament or the state apparatus, accorrding to Nezavissimaya Gazeta.

In a country were almost two thrids of the population hold either Russian and or Romanian citizenship beside the Moldovan citizenship, such an action can be regarded as an attempt of the ruling party to defend the nation against influences from Romania or Russia.

Democratic Party leader Dumitru Diacov considers that the bill triggers the influences of the neighboring countries.

In his opinion, quoted by the Russian publication, the situation is absurd because there are people who hold as many as four passports.

Even so, he classifies the attempt a discrimination against national minorities.

Social Democratic leader, former PM Dumitru Branghis says that the draft is meant to discredit the opposition parties for the upcoming legislative elections in 2009 as many opposition MPs hold Romanian passports.