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Nezavisimaya Gazeta: EU involved in the Romania – Moldova quarrel

Bucharest officials demanded formal explanations for the actions of Moldovan border patrol officers, who prevented three Romanian delegations from entering Moldova last week. Romania President Traian Basescu cancelled his visit to Kishinev after the incident, the Nezavismaya Gazeta claims in its electronic edition.

Moldova’s ambassador to Bucharest was convoked by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, being informed that the incident will be debated in the EU – Moldova collaboration commission, scheduled to gather next week.

Moldova social-democrat leader Dumitru Braghis tells that seven delegations were at the border on October 12. 4 of them, heading for the Wine Feast, crossed the border without any problems, three of them remained for 10 hours in front to the barriers, then returned to Bucharest.

Braghis says that the Moldovan laws, allowing all EU citizens to enter Moldova without a visa, were broken. The official is also certain that the border patrols acted as ordered by the country leaders.