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Romania President Basescu launched Democratic Party’s list for the upcoming EP elections

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday took part at a gathering of the Democratic Party (PD), the main political group backing him as head of state, where the PD announced its own list of candidates for the upcoming European Parliament elections, the first such poll to take place in Romania. Also present at the manifestation was the President of the European Popular Party Wilfried Martens.

The 5000 Democratic Party members from all over the country applauded the presence of the President at the conference.

The 45 candidates presented the main priorities to be address during the electoral campaign before the November 25 EP elections.

Romanian NGO the Coalition for a Clean Parliament made public on Sunday the list of EP candidates in Romania who do not meet a set of integrity standards.

Democrat Petru Filip, third nominee for the upcoming elections, is accused of favoring his family’s businesses.