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President Basescu: „I will repeat the referendum in case it isn’t validated”

President Traian Basescu explained in a TV intervention the reasons that determined him to demand a referendum on the uninominal vote at the same time with the European Parliament elections and said that, in case the ballot isn’t valid, he will call for a second round of votes.

„I will call again for the referendum. And be aware that there will be more referendums in 2008, because there are several problems that Romanians need to express on”, said Traian Basescu.

The president says that organizing the referendum on the same day as the European elections would show the Government’s ability to decrease the expenses, would represent a supplementary reason for people to go to vote but, at the same time, would favor the parties supporting the president – Democrats (PD) and Liberal Democrats (PLD).

According to Basescu, the referendum is a great opportunity to reform the political class, in an European context.

The referendum on November 25 will ask Romanians whether the prefer to have party lists or uninominal vote for during the elections next year.