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Petrom, Orange and Vodafone – most profitable companies in 2006

According to a top put up by the National Council for Small and Medium Companies in Romania (CNIPMMR), published on Friday by NewsIn, the large companies with the highest profits (before taxes) in 2006 were the largest oil & fuels company, Petrom, as well as the two main mobile phone operators, Orange and Vodafone.

Petrom reported a 2.55 billion RON profit (1 euro = 3.34 RON), followed by Orange Romania (1.64 billion euros) and Vodafone (1.34 billion RON).

In medium companies, the champions were Anchor Grup, with a 70.78 million RON profit, Accor Services – 69.45 millions and Sodexho Pass 47.64 millions.

CNIPMMR president Ovidiu Nicolescu said that some 160,000 new jobs were created in 2006, only 60,000 of them coming from large companies.