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A interview: Doubts about uninominal voting system to be introduced in Romania

Presidential counselor Cristian Preda criticized in a HotNews – BBC interview a new electoral law that pushes for the introduction of uninominal voting in Romania and considered that the law would frustrate citizens even more since not all candidates that receive most voted in the districts will also get a Parliamentary mandate.

For his part, Parliamentary relations minister Mihai Voicu declared that local council presidents would not be elected through the uninominal voting system this year. That is because the Greater Romania Party appealed to the Constitutional Court against it.

However, Voicu was disagreed by PSD Deputy Anghel Stanciu who declared that he was the ‘creator of the new system’ and that local council presidents will be elected uninominally due to another law approved by the Parliament.

Cristian Preda claimed that the new system would demolish representativity and would lead to new coalitions, of any kind in an attempt to gain as many mandates as possible. He said that the new system favored off the record negotiations between political actors.

The Presidential counselor added that the system proposed by President Traian Basescu proved to result in comfortable majorities, thus excluding negotiations among parties. Another advantage, Preda argued, was that the responsibility of the politicians was clearly set.

Parliamentary relations Minister, Mihai Voicu declared that this year’s local council presidents would not be held respecting the new uninominal voting system since the deadline is too short. He added that the law would be implemented starting with next year’s elections.

Cristian Preda argued that it was impossible to say whether these elections would be held under the uninominal voting system because of the political turmoil: a challenge at the Constitutional Court, party negotiations and significant blockages in coalition making strategies.