Deputies tacitly adopted a draft law eliminating the study of history and geography in the language of minorities / Hungarian Democrats threaten to withdraw from the coalition
- Redactia Hotnews
The Chamber of Deputies passed on Tuesday the legisltive draft initiated by Democratic Liberal Deputy Mircia Giurgiu according to which the study of history and georgraphy in the language of minorities are eliminated, Romanian news agency Mediafax reads. The initiative was tacitly adopted because the set term for debate and final vote, May 1 2011 was exceeded. The Senate is bound to take a final decision on the draft.
The education committee voted against the project and the government did not send a point of view. This is an extremely sensitive issue for the Hungarian Democrats, part of the governing coalition. Following the news, deputy PM Marko Bela said that if the government supports the initiative, this is can threaten the coalition. He said that the fact that the initiative passed in the Chamber of Deputies proves that the coalition is not united, as it cannot gather up a majority to adopt a law or reject bad projects such as this one.