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Economy Dr. Doom Nouriel Roubini comes to Romania in May

Famous economist Nouriel Roubini called „Economy Dr. Doom” will be in Bucharest during Mai 24-26 2010. He is scheduled to take part in the seventh edition of the central and South-Eastern European financial Forum, organised by the Romanian National bank (BNR) and forum Invest.

Tagged by the international press as „Dr. Doom”, „Cassandra” or „the Prophet”, Nouriel Roubini is known as the man who foresaw the current financial crisis. „In 2005, Roubini said that house prices were going up due to speculative operations and this phenomenon was going to lead to the fall of the economy. At that moment, nobody believed the professor. Now he is considered to be a scholar” (Fortune magazine)

Nouriel Roubini is economy professor at the new York University and president of Roubini Global Economics, a think-tank specialised economic trends analysis. In his career, Roubini worked for the International monetary Fund, fed, World Bank, Israel Central Bank. During the Clinton administration, Roubini was American president’s economic council chief-economist.

During the Financial Forum in Bucharest, Nouriel Roubini will have a dedicated panel and will also take part in a series of meetings with Romanian business and political representatives.