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EU-pressed Justice minister leaves prosecutors at President’s will

Romania Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu seems to have dropped his intention to take the power to name prosecutors away from the President. An action plan made public today by the Justice Ministry contradicts the minister’s stated intentions to move the authority to name prosecutors from the President to the Supreme Council of Magistracy.

On the other hand, the European Union made a public appeal to Romanian authorities on Tuesday urging them to leave rules as they are, as they guarantee the independence of prosecutors.

EC representative Mark Gray said on Tuesday, quoted by a news agency, that the procedure of naming prosecutors was very important in assuring the self-sufficiency of the justice system.

As EU pressures intensified, Justice Minister decided to conform to the European norms even if he made several public declarations announcing his intentions over the past several weeks.

Rumors have it that his declarations were purely political as he came under investigation in a case put up by anti-graft prosecutors.