Gheorghe Flutur, PDL: Today, the solution is a political PM, meaning Emil Boc
We do not have to take the blames of the crisis but also the political benefits of getting Romania out of the crisis and we need to see what it is to be done to have this party grow, first Vice President of the Democratic Liberal Party Gheorghe Flutur declared in a – RFI talk show by Dan Tapalaga.
You can listen to the audio of the interview, in Romania,here.
The most important statements made by Flutur in the interview
- We need to get value from the fact that Romania is officially out of the crisis and allocate resources in a courageous way for economic development.
- There was never the idea that we need to change the Prime Minister.
- We have some objectives, to continue governance.
- The portfolio of the Labour ministry belongs to PDL. We will analyze things and will appoint someone. PDL has human resources but we need to be careful who we promote
- Pragmatically speaking, today we have a political government with political ministers. Obviously the PM is political and brings more force into the coalition. This is my point of view. From our point of view, the main objective is to continue governing because we went through a crisis and if we give up governing we might be identified with the crisis.
- If we exit the crisis, PDL will be identified as the party that pulled Romania out of the crisis. This is what we want to do. Politically, I think we need to take up the political benefits of pulling Romania out of the crisis not just the blame.
- Today, it is about a political PM, in the person of Emil Boc. We need to keep reforms going, this is what we need to do for the party to grow.