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Greens MEP leader: Anti-graft measures good, political and media shows bad for Romania

The Romanian government is making relevant efforts in the fight against corruption but it must avoid „political and media shows” related to its anti-graft moves, a high Greens MEP said in an interview for Radio France International.

„We have a promising start… I spoke to head prosecutor Daniel Morar and he made a good impression on me. We also note the engagement of the President and of the Justice minister in fighting corruption”, the coordinator for foreign affairs of the Greens in the European parliament, Dutch Joost Legendijk says in the interview.

But he insists Romania should avoid political and media shows related to Justice moves as „we don’t want the current government to blast the previous one, but bring around bad cases and issue sentences based on such proof. We want sentences, but only when based on good arguments”.

Speaking of the border security and control, one of the sensitive issues for Romania’s UE accession, Legendijk says „the European Commission may bring about special measures or procedures so that it be able to monitor whether Romania’s beautiful promises are applied after January 1, 2007”.

Ar trebui ca si Parlamentul European sa ceara Comisiei sa gaseasca un mecanism de verificare, de monitorizare, control si, de presiune dupa aderare, aceasta pentru ca dupa aderare este mult mai greu pentru Uniunea Europeana sa mai faca presiuni asupra vreunui guvern, nu doar asupra celui de la Bucuresti.