Korean consortium is interested in reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda plant
- Redactia Hotnews
KOREA International Nuclear KEPCO manifested its plans to attend the construction of reactors 3 and 4 of the Romanian Cernavoda plan, Economy minister informs. According to the ministry, a delegation of the consortium met with the Economy minister Ion Ariton. The project of reactors 3 and 4 just went through a failure as investors withdrew from the bid. The investment is estimated at 4 billion euro.
The state wants to sell half of the shares owned at the project company, EnergoNuclear thus reducing its participation rate at Nuclearelectrica by up to 40%. The share holders of EnergoNuclear, the project company, was formed by Nuclearelectrica SA 51%, RWE, GDF SUEZ, ENEL, CEZ each 9.15% and ARCELOR MITTAL and IBERDROLA each 6.2%. CEZ withdrew from the project later last year and was followed by RWE, GDF Suez and IBERDROLA.