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President loses special anti-graft commission

Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced on Thursday that the Ministers’ Responsibility Law was modified through an emergency ordinance. After the changes, the members of the presidential commission that analyzes criminal investigation files on the names of former or in office minister will be, from now on, only judges, suggested by the Supreme Judges’ Council (CSM).

The ordinance may still be rejected by the Constitutional Court.

„The way members are named now may lead to conflicts. We can’t have a minister under investigation who is also part of the Presidential Commission”.

The ordinance also includes an article that makes the Anti-Graft Prosecution Office (DNA) unable to demand criminal investigations. All demand will be made by the prosecutor general in person.

The Government decided to issue the ordinance in a moment when two ministers in office are under investigation – Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu and Labor minister Paul Pacuraru.

Also under investigation are former PM Adrian Nastase, former Transport minister Miron Mitrea, former IT & Communication minister Zsolt Nagy, former Economy Minister Codrut Seres and former Defense Minister Victor Babiuc.

DNA seems to be unaware of the changes. According to a central newspaper, the institution demanded the approval for investigating Agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes.