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Prosecutors request arrestof another businessman

High Court prosecutors asked judges today to order the preventive arrest of Romanian businessman Ovidiu Tender. According to the Public Ministry, Tender is charged with economic crimes that allegedly led to a prejudice of 2,700 billion ROL for the Romanian state.

The request will be analyzed Saturday afternoon.

Prosecutors launched a criminal inquiry on the names of Ovidiu Tender and fellow businessman Marian Alexandru Iancu on February 20 this year. Tender is accused of fraud, embezzlement, money laundering and participation to a organized crime group. Part of the charges are shared by Iancu.

The two are believed to be part of a financial-commercial triangle involving firms they control directly or indirectly and are strongly linked to each other: SC Tender SA, SC VGB Impex SRL and Balkan Petroleum Ltd. (BkP).