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Romanian Govt making efforts to keep gas prices under control

Romania asked the European Commission for a two year-postponement of the gas prices harmonization in the perspective of the country’s accession to the EU. Deputy PM Gheorghe Pogea announced on Thursday that a schedule of the gas price evolution until 2008 will be made public by the end of April so that the companies adapt to the market’s needs.

The minister asked the Economy mister and the national authority for regulating natural gases to act fully transparent regarding the natural gas market trends. While prices are to be harmonised with the European trends, the Govt will seek to support the low income people.

Electricity and heat costs will be balanced and a preferential local price will be set in order to motivate the producers and providers.

During the pre-accession phase the natural gas market has a powerful socio-economic impact, hence the deputy PM considers absolutely necessary consultations with the stakeholders in order to keep inflation under control: producers, providers, consumers.