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Romanian president debates top priorities with parliamentary parties

Romanian president Traian Basescu met the leaders of parliamentary parties on Monday.

The national security laws are still a subject of disagreement between the Romanian president Traian Basescu and the Liberal PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The PM considers that the six draft laws must be publicly debated.

Traian Basescu requested that the laws be kept secret until they pass the parliamentary commissions and be made public after their debate in the Council of Security and Defense of the Country (CSAT).

The chairman of the Democratic Party Emil Boc guarantees that the security laws will not give birth anew to the political militia.

The status of minorities in Romania, the country’s strategy of national security, the constitutional reform an a governmental ordinance on fighting money laundering were all discussed in the meeting between President Traian Basescu and the leaders of parliamentary parties in Romania.

The talks included Liberal (PNL) representatives PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and deputy PNL president Teodor Melescanu, Democratic (PD) head Emil Boc and his executive president Adriean Videanu, as well as Democratic Hungarians (UDMR) leader Marko bela and Conservative Party leader Dan Voiculescu.

The opposition was led by Social Democratic president Mircea Geoana and Greater Romania Party leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor. Minorities were represented by Varujan Pambuccian.

It was the second session of talks President Basescu held with parliamentary leaders on issues of major importance for Romania these days.